Python for Programmers: 4-Day Virtual Seminar (English)

Python for Programmers: 4-Day Virtual Seminar (English)
Python for Programmers: 4-Day Virtual Seminar (English)

Key Information

Target audience: Software developers, software engineers | Duration 4 days | 9:00-17:00 | Trainer: Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller, Python Academy | Online seminar | Number of participants: 6-12


The course offers a practical overview of all basic Python features. It is designed for participants with (some) programming experience.


The participants can follow all steps directly on their computers. There are exercises at the end of each unit providing ample opportunity to apply the freshly learned knowledge.


We use our online programing system that contains all needed software. There is no need to install any additional software. A modern internet browser and a decent internet connection will be enough.

Course Material

Every participant receives comprehensive materials in PDF format that cover the whole course content as well as all source code.


Basics and Datastructures

  • Short introduction to JupyterLab
  • Python syntax
  • Statements and expressions
  • Control flow
  • Loops
  • Overview of data types
  • List and tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets

Procedural and object-oriented Programming

  • Functions
  • Generators and iterators
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Operator overloading
  • Exception handling
  • Input / output

Project and Background Knowledge

  • Small Python project
  • Modules and Packages
  • Names and objects
  • Namespaces and scoping

Practical Applications and Libraries

  • Text processing
  • System functions

    Target Group

    This course is designed for participants with (some) programming experience. Have you written programs in Java, C# or even Basic, or FORTRAN? Even if you haven’t written any code for several years, this course is for you. A basic understanding of programming is required. Terms such as variable, data type or loop should be familiar.


    Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller

    Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller nutzt Python seit 1999 und unterrichtet die Sprache seit 2004. Er ist Gründer und CEO der Python Academy in Leipzig, Gründungsmitglied der Leipzig Python User Group, Mitorganisator zahlreicher Python-Konferenzen sowie Vorstandsvorsitzender des Python Software Verbandes e.V. Als Unterstützer und Speaker ist Mike regelmäßig bei allen wesentlichen Python-Konferenzen wie der PyCon US, der EuroPython, der PyCon DE u.v.m. präsent. Er hat weit über 1.000 Tage Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Python.

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